Who we are

TECMES, for more than 45 years, specializes in designing, manufacturing and implementing systems that allow measuring, interpreting and transmitting relevant environmental information for decision making: From protecting the life and health of entire communities to optimizing the operation of a port, a dam or an agricultural establishment.

This is what we call “Environmental Intelligence”. A sum of technological and scientific tools to know exactly and in advance how nature will behave.

What do you need to know?

We differentiate ourselves in offering high quality technological solutions to measure all kinds of environmental parameters. We carry out the manufacture of equipment and sensors that will later be integrated into our systems.



We develop and build a network of 160 automatic equipment for water sampling. This new system designed and implemented by TECMES was used for the first time in «Río de la Plata» and, it was possible to obtain simultaneous water samples in the coastal strip of the entire Buenos Aires suburbs.
The measurement of polluting discharges together with the hydrodynamic conditions of the Estuary, through oceanographic equipment and TECMES weather stations, allowed to establish the risks of contamination in the intake works, in order to ensure the water quality of more than 10 million people.


The Municipality of Córdoba needed to monitor in real time the air quality in different parts of the city. A few years ago, we put into service a system consisting of 2 self-propelled Mobile Stations and a Central Station communicated by radio and cell phone. The stations have sensors and analysers that measure 14 environmental variables, from some basic ones such as temperature and ambient humidity, to much more specific ones such as acid rain, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides among others.


The National Forestry Institute developed an important plan for the prevention and fight against forest fire in the mountainous area of the south of our country. With this goal, TECMES manufactured, installed and maintained a fire prevention and alert system that consists of the acquisition of meteorological data that allow to determine areas of high fire risk. These are two systems located in the San Carlos de Bariloche area and in the City of Trevelin in Chubut. Remote Stations, get and process parameters such as wind direction and speed, air temperature and humidity, precipitation, solar radiation and atmospheric pressure.


The Itaipú hydroelectric dam is the largest in operation in the world. The annual production capacity (almost 100 million MW) cannot even be exceeded by the Yang Tse River dam in China, when it is finished. To establish its water availability, ITAIPÚ relies on a hydrometeorological network developed by TECMES under the “turnkey” format. We have carried out the construction, installation, assembly and commissioning of a network consisting of 48 stations with sensors of water level, precipitation and meteorological parameters, controlled via satellite by a central station composed of high availability workstations based on “Data Cluster».


The concessionaire of the dredging and maintenance of the navigation channels of the trunk access road to the ports of the Río de la Plata and the Paraná River, commissioned us to design, build and install a tidal measurement system and meteorological parameters, with More than 30 measuring points.
This system consists of Remote Stations Installed on piles in Rio de la Plata, and in Paraná, communicated by means of cellular telephony, with data collection in a Central Station and in 3 Secondary Stations.


After suffering historic floods, the City of Santa Fe required a system that would allow early detection growing. Faced with this problem, the Ministry of Water Affairs hired us for the supply, installation, commissioning and operation of a network measurement levels, precipitation and environmental parameters and water pollution throughout the basin of the Salado River, with communication via satellite.


The National Administration of Electric Power Plants and Transmissions of Uruguay (UTE), hired us to provide, install and maintain a Telemetric Hydrological Network. The objective of the company was to have a reliable and safe system that would allow planning and organizing the hydraulic availability and power generation. This network is supervised by an Automatic SAT Telemetry System located in Montevideo that monitors and records the data collected by the network. The instantaneous and historical data of the variables of water level, flow, precipitation and meteorological parameters are visualized online by those responsible for the operation of UTE.



Shortly after its launch, our Pegasus Meteorological Station was the winner and chosen as an Innovative Product in the 2nd edition of the National Innovation Contest 2006; carried out in the Hall of Nations of the Borges Cultural Centre and organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The Pegasus project of TECMES stood out on 1500 projects presented in the category, and today hundreds of these stations are installed throughout the entire Argentine territory and the world.

Tecmes, premio INNOVAR 2006


Within the framework of the CITA 2007 exhibition, PEGASUS Plus received the 2007 Technological Innovation Award. After analysing and assessing more than 20 presentations, the Prize Expert Committee, made up of leading specialists, delivered an emotional ceremony at La Rural Farm Fair in Buenos Aires, the prize in the Precision Agriculture category.
Today our Pegasus weather stations stand out and help large, medium and small producers to recognize in the conditions of climatic stress that their production is undertaken, giving vital information at the time of decision making, and can increase their production and prevent large capital losses.

Tecmes, estación meteorológica agronómica Pegasus plus, tercer premio Agricultura de Precisión. CITA 2007